To add multi-tenancy to an existing application I settled on the following:

  1. Create a tenant table which holds a row for every tenant. Tenants are externally identified by a unique key.
  2. Add a tenant_id column to every existing table which references tenant(id).
  3. Create a new role (application) without superuser privileges and grant it ownership of all tables.
  4. Create a row level security policy on each table to check that the tenant_id column is equal to current_setting('application.tenant.current_id').
  5. Make sure the role is set to application and application.tenant.current_id is set before performing any queries.

To set up the database:

-- Set up application role
        current_db text;
        if not exists(select oid from pg_roles where rolname = 'application') then
            create role application with nologin;
            select current_database() into current_db;
            execute format('grant all privileges on database %I to application', current_db);
        end if;

        execute 'alter default privileges grant usage on schemas to application';
        execute 'alter default privileges grant create on schemas to application';

        execute (
            select string_agg(
                           format('grant usage on schema %1$I to %2$I;' ||
                                  'grant create on schema %1$I to %2$I;' ||
                                  'grant all privileges on all tables in schema %1$I to %2$I;' ||
                                  'grant all privileges on all sequences in schema %1$I to %2$I;' ||
                                  'alter default privileges in schema %1$I grant all privileges on tables to %2$I;' ||
                                  'alter default privileges in schema %1$I grant all privileges on sequences to %2$I;',
                                  nspname, 'application'
                           '; ')
            from pg_namespace
            where nspname <> 'information_schema' -- exclude information schema and ...
              and nspname not like 'pg\_%' -- ... system schemas
$$ language plpgsql;

-- Utility function to set the role from application code
create or replace function set_role(role text, local boolean)
    returns void as
    if local then
        if role is not null then
            execute format('set local role %I', role);
            execute format('set local role none');
        end if;
        if role is not null then
            execute format('set session role %I', role);
            execute format('set session role none');
        end if;
    end if;
$$ language plpgsql;

create table tenant
    id   bigint primary key,
    key  text not null unique,

-- Create the default tenant
insert into tenant(id, key)
values (1, 'default');

-- Helper functions to get and set tenant from application code
create or replace function get_current_tenant()
    returns bigint as
    return nullif(current_setting('application.tenant.current_id', true), '')::bigint;
$$ language plpgsql stable;

create or replace function set_current_tenant(tenant_id bigint)
    returns void as
        set_config('application.tenant.current_id', tenant_id::text, true);
$$ language plpgsql volatile;

-- Add tenant id to (almost) all tables and enable row level security
        item record;
        for item in (
            select table_name
            from information_schema.tables
            where table_schema = 'public'
              and table_name != all (array ['tenant', 'schema_version'])
              and table_name not like 'pg\_%' -- postgres specific tables
                execute format('alter table %1$I add column tenant_id bigint default 1 references tenant(id);', item.table_name);
                execute format('alter table %1$I alter column tenant_id set default get_current_tenant();', item.table_name);
                execute format('alter table %1$I alter column tenant_id set not null;', item.table_name);
                execute format('create index on %1$I(tenant_id);', item.table_name);
                execute format('alter table %1$I enable row level security;', item.table_name);
                execute format('create policy tenant on %1$I for all to public using (tenant_id = get_current_tenant());', item.table_name);
            end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

-- Recreate all indices (in particular unique indices) to include tenant_id as the second column
--- ...omitted...

To make sure the role and tenant id are set for every transaction I added a custom PlatformTransactionManager that delegates to the original PlatformTransactionManager and runs my transaction initialization code (Kotlin/Spring Boot/jOOQ):

fun interface TransactionInitializer {
    operator fun invoke()

open class TransactionInitializingTransactionManager(
    private val baseTransactionManager: PlatformTransactionManager,
    private val initializer: TransactionInitializer,
) : PlatformTransactionManager {
    override fun getTransaction(transactionDefinition: TransactionDefinition): TransactionStatus {
        val status = baseTransactionManager.getTransaction(transactionDefinition)
        if (status.isNewTransaction) {
            try {
            } catch (t: Throwable) {
                throw t
        return status

    override fun commit(status: TransactionStatus) {

    override fun rollback(status: TransactionStatus) {

typealias RoleSupplier = () -> String?

@Transaction(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
open class RoleSettingTransactionInitializer(
    private val ctx: DSLContext,
    private val roleSupplier: RoleSupplier
) : TransactionInitializer {
    override fun invoke() {
        val role = roleSupplier()
        Routines.setRole(ctx.configuration(), role, true)

typealias TenantIdSupplier = () -> Long?

@Tx(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
open class TenantByIdSettingTransactionInitializer(
    private val ctx: DSLContext,
    private val tenantIdSupplier: TenantIdSupplier,
) : TransactionInitializer {
    override fun invoke() {
        val tenantId = tenantIdSupplier()
        Routines.setCurrentTenant(ctx.configuration(), tenantId)

@Tx(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
open class CompositeTransactionInitializer(
    private val initializers: List<TransactionInitializer>
) : TransactionInitializer {
    override fun invoke() {
        for (initializer in initializers) {

fun makeTransactionInitializer(
    ctx: DSLContext,
    roleSupplier: RoleSupplier?,
    tenantIdSupplier: TenantIdSupplier?,
): TransactionInitializer {
    val initializers = mutableListOf<TransactionInitializer>()
    if (roleSupplier != null) {
                ctx = ctx,
                roleSupplier = roleSupplier,
    if (tenantIdSupplier != null) {
                ctx = ctx,
                tenantIdSupplier = tenantIdSupplier,
    return CompositeTransactionInitializer(
        initializers = initializers,

To make sure nobody forgets to add a RLS policy to a newly created table, I added a test that introspects the schema and ensures every table (except for some that have been explicitly excluded) has a RLS policy applied.